My Lucky Run At Baccarat 


This story is what I call my "lucky Baccaratmorning", but that's a little too optimistic. It was more like half anhour of my lucky baccarat. It was amorning that made me believe in people who are able to see the good in fate, luck,
or any other circumstance and act accordingly. It was a blessing that I met the right person at just theright moment so that I could also act. 

Nothing beats a good run at the Baccarat table. I woke up at 8am, went tothe cafeteria for my morning cup of tea and had a bacon sandwich and two cups
of coffee before I started playing. I meta friend who plays baccarat, and instantly changed my mind. 

broken image

The man in question may be both very skilled and terribleat the game. He can winif he is on and I make money because I follow his "play". 

Realizing that I left my room with only thirty dollars,as I was planning to eat breakfast, I put it in the money box. The dealer said"money plays". 

As soon as he sat down, I knew my friend was right on. It almost felt like fatehad given him a push to go at the baccarat table that morning. I took the $30 and increased it to $960. 

I took the $900 profit, and began over with $60. Afterpushing it up to $1920, I was ready to start again with $100. But then he said
"that's all it is and it's gone." He was right, as I hadplayed with him on many occasions before. Heis the "hit and run" kid, so I didn't encourage him to stay. 

After a net profit of more than $5000, he decided it wastime to have breakfast. After tipping and some other expenses, I left the table withmore than $2800.